Well faceless avatar, you’re right, anecdotes DON’T mean much. And why trust Nuccio when she’s lying about fundamental beliefs of witnesses?
For example, she claimed God is soon going to kill all non-witnesses, even though their church teaches in a thousand year judgement where all will come to know God.
She claims witnesses view Jesus as “inferior” to God, when really they view him as the son of God, and never try to diminish Christ.
She claims witnesses are “not allowed” to celebrate holidays, which implies punishments or backlashes when really, you’re just discouraged from celebrating those traditions, and can continue going to church regardless of that.
And it goes on. She’s either lying, misinformed, or completely clueless. Its like she googled “witnesses” and pasted junk into a medium post.
And citing Reddit further hurts your credibility because that site bans anything and everything against the prevailing narrative. Its a well known fact that Reddit is unreliable due to its rampant censorship of dissent.
Cults don’t allow you to leave. Witnesses are free to come and go. And are never subject to violence or mental abuse. Even the point on “harboring sexual predators” is a vast oversimplification. The Witnesses don’t report crimes unless they have two people to corroborate the story. Admittedly that’s a bad standard, but that is not the same as “harboring” predators. Especially because many people get disfellowshipped on the accusations alone.
Anyways, you already came to your conclusion so there’s no real point in debating it. I’m just saying that you aren’t giving witnesses a fair shake.