The Australian government has made millions of dollars for corona fines. A pregnant woman was arrested for being against the lockdowns. A different woman got tazed for refusing to wear a mask. I could go on, but you get the picture. These lockdowns are a gift to authoritarians everywhere. Fear is the most efficient way to rule the populace.
r/LockdownSkepticism and r/NoNewNormal are just two of the many subreddits and internet forums discussing the lockdowns and mask mandates. As time goes on, more and more people are opposing these authoritarian policies, and being sent to prison because of it.
Sent to prison for wrongthink… How anyone could support this is beyond my understanding!
And now we have Biden saying he’d extend the shut down until a vaccine appears, that’s absurd! The increasing civil unrest due to lockdowns and mask mandates is making for a very tense situation all across the western world.