The Close Ties Between Pedophilia & Progressivism

Sam Garza
7 min readJun 3, 2018

Liberals love to cry out that Conservatives rely solely on logical fallacies and pathos appeals. They say “Typical Right Winger, saying we should ‘think of the children’ to get a law passed” — and while that might be a pattern on the right, repetition doesn’t indicate inaccuracy. Yes, right wingers might rely on “think of the children” very often, but that doesn’t mean the argument is suddenly invalid because they find it annoying. No, in fact, I’d say we should examine WHY right wingers are so alarmist in that sense — why this has become a catch phrase of the right. So — why is that?

Pedophilia is banned all across the western world, but it still happens; I’ll try to keep things simple. Pedophilia is most prevalent in Latin America and East Asia. This is largely because sex trafficking is so common in these countries, but also because their age of consent laws are so low. Some would argue this is a good thing and that we should not push western morality onto these nations. If we grant that premise, that still doesn’t resolve the issue of sex tourism in the slightest.

Sex Tourism, is when Americans travel to nations with low Age of Consent Laws to engage in pedophilia. Just recently in San Diego there was a pedophile sting operation offering a trip to Mexico to have sex with underage girls (The Age of Consent in Mexico is 12) (Sting = A Set up, a Fake situation to catch criminals) (Seven Arrested In Underaged-Sex Investigation)

A more well known nation for sex tourism is “The Phillipines” where the age of consent is 12. There’s actually an entire documentary about what happens when American men have sex and run off, leaving children without fathers all across the island nation. As I was saying — the age of consent is incredibly low many areas of the world — so sex tourism towards those areas is rather common. (Fallen Angels. True cost of sex tourism: Philippines’ fatherless kids (RT Documentary))


Saudi Arabia — No Age of consent (but sex outside marriage is illegal)

Yemen — Age of consent is 9

Nigeria — Age of consent is 11

Phillipines — Age of consent is 12

Mexico — Age of consent is 12

South Korea — Age of consent is 13

Japan — Age of consent is 13 (Though in Japan local laws make it 16+)

Colombia — Age of consent is 14

Now — what is being done about this? The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child or UNCRC actually urges countries to consider a person as a child until they are 18 but — The UN isn’t really good at anything and sex tourism is still a huge problem. Even so called “Developing nations” have only raised the age of consent very recently; take a look at India for example.

Age of Consent in India

1892 — it was raised from 10 to 12

1949 — it was raised to 15

1982 — it was raised to 16

India 2013, age of consent is finally 18

But no matter what laws are on the books what matters most is actual action taken by the government and sadly, much like the Philippines — There are entire documentaries devoted to Child Marriage and Child Trafficking in India, still being an enormous issue the country must face. ( Ross Kemp Extreme World Season 3 India)

And Now the West. In the United Kingdom there was Jimmy Savile, a cultural icon who sexually abused children and completely got away with it, because the police only discovered this AFTER he died. Also in the UK, the Westminster paedophile dossier — ever heard of it? It was a dossier containing incriminating information and evidence that would have put away a whole lot of pedophiles. The Dossier Disappeared. It would have put government actors in prison, so naturally its gone away, and the media is mostly silent about it all. And I’ll say, lets put the American Pro Pedophile organization “NAMBLA” to the side right now, and examine its British Counterpart, The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). It existed from 1974 to 1984 and campaigned to abolish the age of consent. It received thousands in government funding and had a close affiliation with the NCCL — National Council for Civil Liberties. As of 2014 the NCCL apologizes for those links, and of course its all in the past but — we must remember British History. Too many people have simply forgotten that for ten years, a pro pedophile organization in Britain was receiving government funding and had close ties to the Labour Party of the UK.

But enough about the UK, how about Germany? In 1968 there was a sort of sexual revolution where schools tried to introduce children to sex and pornography at the elementary school level. Students read sex magazines naked together in class — How did this happen? Well around that time of 1968, there were big pedophile groups making moves to legalize child and adult love all across Germany. Did they succeed? No. Did they have an impact? Yes.

Under the ‘Kentler Experiment’ of the 1970s, Berlin welfare authorities handed over homeless teenagers to known pedophile men who were employed as their foster fathers and took care of them. The 1970s. The German Government is supplying pedophiles with homeless kids. Crazy.

Fast forward to 2018, pedophile rings are still being busted on a daily basis and psychologists are trying to fix this problem in German society. In the USA if you know a pedophile committed a crime, it is mandatory that you report them; In Germany, you don’t have to. So a group of German Psychologists are actively interviewing child molesters — people who have actually molested children and own child pornography.The psychologists hope to somehow reduce or even stop those pedophile urges — and hopefully they do! Because they aren’t reporting any of these child molesters, just interviewing them and sending them on their way…

Lastly, the United States.

1) Democrat Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned after more allegations of child sex abuse — Specifically, this is the 5th allegation, and it came from a family member

2) Democrat Anthony Weiner! He sent his weiner to little girls many times and got 10 years

3) Democrat Jacob Schwarz! He’s a Democrat that worked with Bill de Blasio in New York City — Arrested for having over 3000 images and 89 videos of child pornography

4) Democrat New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez! On trial for corruption — And of course, there’s allegations he and another man were having sex with underage prostitutes, because, well, are you noticing a pattern here?

5) Did you know Dennis Hastert (A FORMER SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES) — has admitted to child molestation.

Beyond that, there’s not much to say here, that hasn’t been said a million times somewhere else. Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was best friends with Bill Clinton and had a private island him and Bill would always go to. Dr Phil aired a show on March 21st 2017, where a confirmed victim of human trafficking stated big government politicians and businessmen used her for sex since she was a child because her parents sold her to them. Justice RuthBader Ginsburg wants to lower the age of consent to 12 — America, is falling apart at the seams, it seems.

“When U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an attorney for the ACLU, she co-authored a report recommending that the age of consent for sexual acts be lowered to 12 years of age…”

When it comes to Pedophilia, it is my opinion that we hear about it so often, that the crime starts to lose its shock factor. After the tenth or twentieth pedophile conviction, its only natural to view it as just an everyday arrest. BUT REMEMBER — as of 2018 the fight against Pedophilia is far from over — In fact, its only just begun. I haven’t even touched on how many left wing news outlets have come out in support of pedophilia -

Huffpost — 10 things you need to know before you marginalize pedophiles

NYT — Pedophilia: a disorder, not a crime

Vice — A child rape victim on why society should be more empathetic to pedophiles

BBC — Pedophiles need help, not condemnation, I should know

(The BBC defended Jimmy Savil, who was a pedo himself)

(They have a history of being friendly to pedophiles)

The Guardian — to stop pedophiles, we need to help them, but no one wants to hear that

Telegraph — We need to support the good pedophiles (“Good” — “Pedophiles” — Oxymoron)

And of course: Salon — “I’m a pedophile, not a monster”

Show me where Breitbart is making excuses for pedophiles, then we’ll talk. The problem is, in the name of the left’s almighty “Progress” they must continue to normalize the abnormal and make vast changes to society. They’re never happy with the laws on the books now — always trying to change the world for the worse. Anyhow — if you still believe that pedophilia is a right wing thing — I urge you to actually speak to pedophiles. Go on BoyChat or Twitter, two big places where pedophilia is strong — and speak to them. They are all, liberals. And you may say “How about that catholic church though! Those preachers were raping kids!” — When has the catholic church ever been considered a right wing group? It barely qualifies as a true christian group! The church preaches that rather than follow the teachings of Christ (I.E — Christianity), instead you must follow the teachings of the church — only the church knows moral truths! Between the church and the bible, only the church should be accepted as right! They preach in favor of contraception, in favor of premarital sex, claim homosexuality is just fine and dandy — they’re moving left day by day! And on economic policy, the church has always been left wing! Demanding a redistribution of wealth and isolationist policies except in the case of foreign aid, wherein you must give away all your national wealth! The bottom line — The church is not at all right wing! And even if it was — a thousand pedophile preachers versus entire social and political movements across countries and throughout history — its pretty obvious that the preachers would be an anomaly! However, in the case of progressivism leading to pedophilia, sadly, this is not an anomaly and instead, a pattern. A pattern we’ve seen across cultures and across time. Progressivism is tied to pedophila.

